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    Dr. Besigye blocked from accessing Rubaga Cathedral for Kaweesi funeral service


    Bwaise road carnage leaves 3 dead, 15 injured

    The families of three people are in mourning for the victims of an early morning accident in Bwaise. Fifteen other people were injured, some seriously.


    The death of Godfrey Mambewo Kaweesi’s driver has left his family devastated.

    “We have been left hopeless and in so much pain. Why but why? They ask
    Wambewo Godfrey had so much ahead of him he knew not of what lay ahead that fateful friday morning the very day he was killed alongside his boss now the late Andrew Felix Kaweesi and bodyguard Kenneth Erau. Unto those that knew him he was a brilliant officer one that loved his job dilligently serving his superiors without ever raising complaint. His elder brother Paul Anguliya in a sombre mood narrates that Mambewo has been a calm person and also a good singer being a member of holy pentecostal church where he always prayed from.

    Mambewo was a graduate of Kyambogo University having attained his degree shortly after joining the police force in 2011. His mother asks in an emotional state why anyone would want to kill her son, “but why?” she sobs. Which mother would not cry for her son’s life that’s ended prematurely? She reveals that her greatest yearning is for the perpetrators of this heinous crime to be found and dealt with decisively. His father shares the same story about the fallen officer the ambitions his son had and how he had always spoken of what a great future lay ahead.

    A civilian at home as he is described by his brothers Anguliya Paul and Robert Kandabe so down to earth as observed by neighbours. Whenever Mambewo came around he wouldn’t hesitate to check on his neighbours encouraging those that were sick. His has been christianity of works not a name or words. Mambewo will certainly not be forgotten and even when it does occur, it shall not be completely. At their home in Namusi central in Nakaloke town council in Mbale a dark cloud sits upon the house as everyone is in shock!

    They can not believe that their beloved Mambewo is but gone forever. Mambewo’s father retired from the force in 2012 and his now deceased son had joined the force to take after his father till the young officers life was brought to an abrupt stop. He is survived by a widow and three children including a one year old.


    Hello Ugandans, am getting satisfied of my prediction that, the so called police killed their own member.

    Time has come to slow away and take on the second blame. Museven and Kayihura; u are to blame for the criminal nature u instilled in the police. The police is supposed to be a service, u changed and called them a force. They were to be under ministry of internal affairs now, they do both.
    They were to be civil now they are militaristic.
    They are now led by military officers with military commands.
    They were to respect law and order now they are law breakers and thieves.
    You thought in your self styled arrogant wisdom, u a breaking the civilian community who dont want to vote for u but u too is counting the loss.

    Next time, be ready.


    cold blooded murders happening in Uganda

    Good morning Uganda,
    I’m 13897 Warder Tumushabe Wilson from Uganda Maximum Security Prison Upper Luzira.

    I’m sorry for the ruthless cold blooded murders happening in our innocent mother Uganda.

    People are dying everyday and no report has ever been produced but I’m here to give you the naked truth today that the M7 cartel led by Museveni and Kaihura are the masterminds of those murders right from ex ADF rebel sheikhs and some of their hitmen are ex condemned prisoners from Luzira who are now serving normal sentences at the Uganda Maximum Security Prison Upper Luzira.
    These hitmen are ex soldiers with stinking murder records. They are taken out under medical gate passes whenever there’s someone to be assassinated.
    It’s very difficult even for the prisons staff to know because under medical gate passes.
    That’s why it’s has been so difficult to be traced.

    Museveni never believed that late Sheikhs left rebel acts and it’s said the late Sheikhs were recruiting young children from Central and Eastern Uganda under the tuweeyo abaana campaign as ADF changed to psychological manuplatation aiming having the best Jihad.

    In Uganda we have no government anymore other than an evil Cartel driven by a bench of evil men and women led by Museveni aka M7 CARTEL

    I can’t be employed by M7 CARTEL any more
    Look at the death of our brother AIGP Kaweesi. They realised that they have used him to do enough evil on their behalf so he had to go because Mission was done.
    Many have gone under the deleting program and many are still to go.
    So my dear Ugandans don’t be fooled again the M7 CARTEL is finishing our country right from the resources now to lives. It’s time to stand up and say no to M7 CARTEL.
    Uganda needs to cleansed because every department is full of filth.

    Museveni and Kaihura you should step down and confess for all those murders.
    Museveni and your bench you deserve to be in prison not state house.

    I Love you Uganda, I love you Africa


    SAY NO TO M7


    Why Gen. Kalekyezi raided The Observer newspaper offices

    On 17th March 2017 , a top Museveni cadre attached to the regime police, Kaweesi was shot dead because of internal power wrangling and sharing of the loot. Without due security diligence, all the top
    security chiefs rushed to the scene. They expressed dismay at the level of skill and confidence demonstrated by the killers.

    The police chief, Gen. Kalekyezi personally supervised the forensic team comb the scene. He revealed how he had rang and talked to Kaweesi a few minutes before he was shot. Mulago hospital mortuary which was sealed off as an autopsy was being carried out leaving other people who had remains of their other loved ones stuck till the following day.

    AIGP Fred Iga arrested three people who were picking the blood-soaked soil from the scene of murder long after the forensic experts had left the scene but Gen. Kalekyezi’s Personal Assistant released them after bitter exchanges with Fred Iga. African murderers usually seek such samples from crime scenes for ritual cleansing against potential evil spirits. It was also reported and not disputed that the killer gun was an M4 which is a preserve of specialised sections of the Police, SFC and CMI.

    Post mortem report revealed that Kaweesi’s body had been pumped with 27 bullets while his escort and driver took 33 and 19 respectively. The smaller number of bullets for the driver could be corroborated with why and how he managed to steadily stop the car in the middle of an ambush without swerving off the road like was the case with Maj. Kigundu shooting. Moreover, such drivers are taught Defensive Driving.
    Later in the day it was announced that an inter-agency investigation team had been put in place comprised of police, CMI, ISO and SFC. The police released composite pictures of the suspected killers basing on eye witness accounts of bystanders. Late in the afternoon IGP Kalekyezi issued a formal statement in which he assured the nation that they would get the killers; moreover “even in the pending case of the late Joan Kagezi we have established very good clues towards the identity of the thug who gunned her down. We are tracking him and we will soon have him in custody.” he was dancing on Kagezi’s grave.
    Museveni visited the bereaved family where he told mourners that the police had been infiltrated by criminals before he directed Gen. Kalekyezi to clean it. During the church service at Kigowa, Kaweesi’s in-law who is an M.P told mourners that “the people who killed Kaweesi are here with us.” During the burial in Lwengo, Gen. Kalekyezi revealed that some three suspected killers had been arrested thus “some people have been saying that Kayihura is sleeping. I am not sleeping; the police force is not sleeping. As we speak now we have arrested some people. In fact, this morning one of them was arrested while trying to run to Congo.”
    The police alleged that the other two suspects were Muslims of the usual Nakasero Mosque. He further disclosed that police had obtained CCTC footages from the nearby supermarket showing three killers who shot and were riding motorcycles and that their identities were still being scrutinised. Remember, three months after the murder of Joan Kagezi, in May 2015 the same police claimed to have arrested her killer somewhere in Kasese as he allegedly tried to take of using a boda-boda.

    Five days later the police disclosed that they had acted on information from those already in custody to arrest twelve suspected killers including five children who had been hiding in a house in Najera. That those children revealed how they were being trained to be assassins with funding from foreigners. The is also an undisputed rumour that a few days before the murder the Director of Counter Terrorism had warned his senior colleagues to be very warry of attacks by regrouping ADF. Yet at the time of his murder, Cadre Kaweesi had only one bodyguard out of his assigned seven. It has also been revealed that Kaweesi had received threatening messages from unregistered SIM card but again it is reported that security agents are the ones using unregistered SIM cards for ‘classified operations’.

    The police have arrested a Busia based clearing agent together with five other people on accusations of aiding a suspected Kaweesi killer to sneak to Kenya. From Congo to Kenya now! It has also arrested a former ISO operative, Godfrey Musisi who ten years ago faced charges of attempting to assassinate Museveni. He was convicted by the military court to ten years but in 2010 Museveni pardoned him. The concocted charges had targeted Brig. Kayanja who at the time was ISO chief. In 2013 he was arrested again on terrorism charges and later he sued the regime for gruesome torture. They have also arrested the Chairman of the Bodaboda stage located near Kaweesi’s murder scene. The FBI withdrew after finding no trace of terrorism but inside job.

    To hoodwink the public and to counter public outcry over nepotism whereby his tribemates dominate strategic positions, Gen. Kalekyezi has embarked on transferring officers. His close aides like Baroza, Uwera, Nyirasenga, Igumira, Musimenta, Sembera and Rwanyonga have already been affected. He has issued a warning to police officers against competing to have quick accumulation of ill-gotten wealth.

    In August 2014, he flew to Kaweesi’s village home to preside over the inauguration of his multi-billion village mansion where he urged other officers to emulate Kaweesi’s hard work. Fraudulent accumulation of wealth has been the yardstick for loyalty by police officers. However, its interesting to note that access to Kaweesi’s residence is restricted and it has been reinforced with uniformed and non-uniformed policemen just to ensure that the widow does not disclose any information in her possession to anyone.
    The media has repeatedly reported disharmony amongst the agencies probing the murder. The Observer in particular has exclusively revealed that ISO, SFC and CMI have ganged up against the Police CID’s suspicious conduct of investigations. It has revealed the existence of mutual suspicion as agencies seek to undo each other and undermine one another’s progress. Another source of conflict is said to be the huge sums of cash that are under the control of the police.

    The other three military aligned agencies want the investigations to cover the senior police officers but the police are pursuing the usual ADF line. The police want the other agencies to simply gather intelligence and hand it over to the police for investigations pointing out that its greatest hindrance is lack of surveillance and intelligence information. The police have refused to hand Kaweesi’s cell phones to
    the other agencies for forensic analysis. It is alleged that he had five phones of which two were for official work but only three have been recovered. The police spokesperson insists that investigating the phones should come last; “…. we are still holding on Kaweesi’s phones. We shall release updates whenever we have them.”

    He went ahead to disclose that ADF was trying to create several decoys to divert the forces trying to pursue credible clues. He added that the suspects they were holding were “cooperating and giving us very good information that would help in getting whoever was involved in this crime.” He further revealed thus; “I have been instructed by the IGP not to give out any information about investigations now. We shall give information after we have concluded investigations.” Pressed on the alleged disharmony that has rocked the investigation, the Spokesperson had this to say; “We are not rejecting to work with any security agencies in this matter but the CIID headed by Grace Akullo is the lead investigator. What I wish to you is that Kaweesi’s linking is linked to ADF and we shall get them.”
    Reacting to the consistent revelations by The Observer, Gen. Kalekyezi late last week sent his usual goons who raided The Observer newspaper offices in the middle of the night and took away all the electronic gadgets, computers and their servers, and the entire CCTV camera system. This has been the norm with several human rights NGOs and some media houses who have repeatedly fallen victim. He thinks that The Observer was being used by rival agencies in discrediting his police.

    Now he has broken the silence over the saga thus; “We are the lead investigators of criminal cases including the Kaweesi murder; so, anybody who thinks he/she can take over Kaweesi’s case is just wasting time. CMI and ISO can write their reports about the Kaweesi murder, but it is the police that will do the investigations and apprehend the killers.” Monopoly on criminal investigations and arrest of suspected criminals by the police has been Gen. Kalekyezi’s biggest asset.

    He believes that with that privilege he is the Alpha and Omega on the criminal justice system in the country if he remains in that position. He can frame anyone with any criminal charges, he determines the failure or success of any criminal investigations and can as well get anyone off the hook. Museveni is very supportive of this stance. For sinister motives, Gen. Kalekyezi was the chief mourner who spoke and laid wreath at Kaweesi’s Kampala home, at the local church, at Rubaga cathedral and at the burial in Lwengo. I hope he wont attend Kaweesi’s new born’s birthday party as chief guest.

    I pity gullible Ugandans who are anticipating a Kaweesi murder report from DISORGANISED investigators handling ORGANISED crime.


    BENON KAREBERE is Yoweri Museveni Son



    Uganda Police has No Respect

    The Uganda Brutal Police has no limit for Brutality, an elderly person being harassed for receiving food aid from the opposition party.


    Betrayal in the Nation

    It pains in life when you are betrayed but it pains more when you are betrayed by those you loved most .

    Am sure many of BESIGYE diehards will abuse me but I won’t fail to tell the story of a woman who loved a man but left her at the hour of need ..
    Meanwhile Maama Stella was loyal to Doctor from the start .She went on to pray for BESIGYE.Campained for him on Facebook and other media ,when BESIGYE lost the Madam felt sick and her poetry could tell all. She was on all prayers when DEFIANCE came and patrols became the commuter media for the Academic. When BESIGYE was in the coolers, Stella Nyanzi went her way and showed solitary .Stella could praise BESIGYE all day .
    Few months when Stella is in her hour of need ,BESIGYE is giving a deaf ear and blind eye.
    Stella needs Sanitary pads to help Ugandan girls .Poor Ugandans have contributed all it takes .From a cent to millions everyone is trying his best to see the girl child can stay in School.Besigye can’t in anyway come to help Maama Stella.May be BESIGYE is broke and can’t give money he can help popularise the project. He can’t do all.
    Stella now is writing painful poems of how any Uganda should buy a flask and take her brown porridge in the cells .The pain becomes much as she asks all to prepare their Sunday best to burry her near her late father.
    BESIGYE is silent but will come out and donate a cow and 3 million for Makerere striking lecturers.
    I won’t blame him because many of his fans will abuse me they are just into him and won’t be able to listen anything against him .
    It’s sad he can’t come to such a non-partisan call .He can’t strategise on what helps Ugandans as a country but looks for his own popularity .
    BESIGYE needs not to be rich to be useful to all Ugandans.He should emulate Stella Nyanzi on what to fight for and help her


    Yoweri Museveni's Thugs are dying

    These criminals killed very many Ugandans in  a very violent way on the orders of Yoweri Museveni.



    As a quiet political spectator, I have felt an impulse to say some handful sensible, bitter truth on Col. Besigye’s contribution to opposition downfall.
    Besigye failled to build FDC party structure to grass root level. He chose to concentrate on a small portion Kampala.
    When major Gen. Mugisha Muntu comes with a decentralization of the party philosophy, Besigye chooses to use fruitless chaotic means by fighting battles on streets
    He sees himself as a god in FDC, why then criticise M7 doing the same in NRM?
    After the 2011 elections, Besigye vowed never to take part again in an election where M7 is among the contenders. Now what changed in 2016?
    So Besigye is also greedy, inconsistent, opportunistic and not different from Museveni. The different is only that one is in opposition and another one in power, that is all.
    Think deeply those who think besigye is a freedom fighter.


    Uganda is not safe

    Before investing in Uganda, first think very hard…

    That is how it begun in the Rwenzori region and Obusinga is no more. …
    I submitted in several fora that it was going to hit Buganda. …
    The Kabaka palace was burnt in Buruli and Museveni NRA occupation al – Nakba stopped Buganda cultural leader from rebuilding the palace.
    Indeed Greater Masaka, Mpigi, Luwero and Mukono have seen their security collapse at the hands of well secured units that cut people with pangas.
    This tragic story has been operatively curtailed until the situation is now obviously out of hand.
    These prostituting political parties continue to be mute on this matter of annihilating the masses.
    The earlier the Buganda cultural institution anf civil sciety…the religiius institutions come out to join the alarm against this scheme to lift age limit. ..
    I tell you Kabaka Mutebi will face the Mumbere fate.
    The Bible says God will harden the heart of the Pharaoh of the NRA occupation al – Nakba. ..and the people who found comfort in wickedness will surely cry. ..
    And indeed in this Exodus from the wickedness of the NRA occupation al – Nakba mpaawo atalikaba.


    Kimuli Mulindwa is a very dangerous Man

    This man is called Kimuli Mulindwa, a Museveni agent or spy in UK, responsible for poisoning all Museveni critics in UK, stay safe.


    Warrap JCE tribal leader Mr. Salvatore Kiir Mayardit has Donated $10, million dollars($10,000,0000) to Uhuru Kanyatta’s presidential Election in Kenya.

    This breaking news is to inform the South Sudanese both in and outside the country and indeed the UN, US and EU that today March 03/30/2017, the Kenyan private presidential jet was flown to Juba and picked up Cash Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) from the office of Salvatore Kiir Mayardit to finance the presidential re-election of Uhuru Kanyatta.

    This sad news happened at a time when man made famine has just been declared by the international community. As we speak now, thousands and thousands of South Sudanese people are at risk dying of starvation due to a man made famine while JCE tribal leader Salvatore Kiir Mayardit today donated millions of dollars to Uhuru Kanyatta re-election. The purpose of this enormous donation is to make sure that Uhuru Kanyatta wins Kenyan election to keeps away Riala Odinga. Today, the presidential campaign team of Uhuru Kanyatta started at the airport distributing ten million dollars oil revenues from South Sudan to poor street Kenyans to vote for Uhuru Kenyatta.

    Salvatore Kiir Mayardit fears Rial Odinga for he may set up a tribunal Court to try those who committed Juba Genocide and elsewhere in the country. Five years ago, Salvatore Kiir Mayardit donated $5millions to the same Kenyan man. This is a bad attitude by this tribal leadership of Jieng council of elders and a horrendous news for the people of South Sudan.

    This means that Salvatore Kiir Mayardit doesn’t care about the ongoing threat of famine in South Sudan. The whole world is now busy to help the victims of famine in South Sudan while Salvatore Kiir Mayardit is donating more than ten millions dollars to Kenyan election. What a horrible disturbing New to the people who have sense of humanity!

    We are calling and appealing to the Secretary General of the United Nation to swiftly recover $10million dollars flown to Kenya today on March 30/2017 and divert those money to buy food and medicines for the South Sudanese war famine victims. The other call is also extended to people of South Sudan to come out and launch a general popular uprising against Salvatore Kiir Mayardit for playing with the oil money of our country. The SPLA- IO must immediately step up to closedown the operation of oil drilling in Upper Nile.

    Finally, the donation of $10Million US dollars to Uhuru Kenyatta’s presidential re-election campaign in Kenya is sinful evil action of ignorance for the man (Salvatore Kiir Mayardit) made war famine victims across the South Sudan. It was reported last week the five people died in Awiel in Bar El Gazal. If Salvatore has millions of oil money, why he didn’t safe the lives in Awiel his home region?

    By Thabor Ding


    The NRA occupation al – Nakba economy is cracking under extreme distress.
    Business people take to demonstrations against rent hikes. …
    And as it were ofcourse a businessman is hit and is dead under the NRA occupation al – Nakba violent paradigm.
    This is an encouraging early sign of a popular uprising against the NRA occupation al – Nakba.
    There is still adequate comfort that must be degraded to launch an up rise. ..
    The Operation National Rage against the NRA occupation al – Nakba will certainly yield fruit.
    And certainly in this Exodus from the wickedness of the NRA occupation al – Nakba mpaawo atalikaba.

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