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- April 5, 2017 at 5:48 pm #27220
Stella Nyanzi
These NRM fools. Nze nabagamba they should pay Besigye to continue defiance because Stella Nyanzi was going to change the whole meaning of the word!
Stella is right out of Tsun Tzu and Niccolo Macchiaveli all rolled into one!
If the oppressor controls the battlefield, change the battlefield. Change the weapons. Change the rules! By no means do you fight him on his Own ground using his own rules, using his Own weapons!
She is Che Guevara and a judoka all rolled into one! Never engage a bigger, more powerful enemy on their own ground. Dance around them. Sting like Muhammad Ali. Give them a black eye. Get the audience chanting while they stagger around in blind punch drunk rage!
Stella is right out of Musevenis guerilla manual! When his elder Obote wouldn’t give the new upstart a seat at the eating table, the rude young man refused to wait his time until those in power had eaten their fill and threw him a bone while he fed on their loud smelly farts! He went under the table with 27 other impatient and greedy young miscreants and with vulgarity spat out of the end of the gun barrel sodomised them till they run off to Juba.
At least Stella leaves no corpses in her wake so who is more vulgar?
Stella is from a generation that were children when museveni was killing his way to power. They are now in their middle ages and have watched him and his band of old fat men and women fart and belch their way through thirty years in power while blocking all avenues to power and all platforms of political speech but grooming their own children to take over power. Now Muhoozi is doing the TV stations while playing the military hero while his in law is pretending to have invented the word ideology! Another in-law, a lawyer is all into all of the countries oil deals while the lesser in-laws Furanka and Atwiine piss on everyone! Even the daughter takes from the people on behalf of God! Meanwhile uncle saleh and joviah have their hand in every other pie!
Just how long can one family piss on all of you and call it rain? The biggest insult to Ugandans was making Janet a minister not to mention an MP! Let’s forget her degrees … but minister of education! It doesn’t rain in Uganda … it pours!
When I was kwogeraza my mukyaala Nina Mbabazi and her clan were still running with the leopards she loved to tell me I was rude! Mbu I should have sugarcoated my truths! Until her daddy stuck a finger in the leopards arse and they sent the recently deceased kaweesi around with the tear gas truck!
When I challenged her on Mulago she wrote me miles of criticism for being out of touch and hiding under the bed and all while they were sacrificing … until Jackie Chan needed a cancer operation and run off to London because there was no hospital good enough to do a simple basic cancer operation in Uganda!
Nze nabagambanga lwabulungi but they wouldn’t listen! Kakati they are giving press conferences mbu omulalu yabavumye! Even a dog knows not to fight a wounded cornered cat! Ugandans are wounded and bleeding from getting raped sans lube repeatedly by a whole family of leopards and leopardesses! Now they are wondering why they hate us so!
When you refuse to talk to the sane ones be ready to talk to the mad ones!
The war has moved from air conditioned board rooms to the streets and the bushes of luwero! Except that the ageing guerillas of yesteryear cannot recognise the battlefield nor the weapons. Like their sagging now impotent third legs that wouldn’t know what to do with a wet and willing nubile pretty young thing the poor doddering old fools are confused! Nalongo has served them enenne and they are angazi like deer stuck in the headlights of a racing train! No shot of Viagra will help!
Not kayihura who is about to be disciplined for saying bad things about officers with pot bellies a few years ago! He said it was a sign of indiscipline and that such officers should not be in the forces. He went onto a much publicized exercise regime a year ago showing off his fitness and martial art skills. Have you ever heard him say anything since! He couldn’t be allowed to go around when his commanding officers, father, son and uncle all have more than a few inches of indiscipline around their middle! He is now virtually mute! He may soon be forced to tour the country preaching the virtues of a little potty!
As for Mutabaazi, Kavuma and that drunken defrocked priest Lokodo whose job I have never been able to devine … bambi they are about to be trotted out to employ the coercive powers of the state against an angry person asking for answers! Lokodo is fixated on women’s skirts and nudity! I think that’s his job! The way things are going Stella just may give him an eyefull of what he desires!
I am watching this movie with lots of popcorn andI can assure you … zintugga!
The icing on my cake was my mukyalas aunty Alice Rubindi previously known as Alice in wonderland for having her head in the clouds when she was a cheer leader in a yellow tutu for the man in the hat now sticking a finger up the leopardess bottom … banange Ugandans are not loyal! She really did it when Ms Marie Antoinette was down with petticoats up and bleeding!
Marie Antoinette wanted the excitement of politics after being so long in the boudoirs and kitchens of state house! Now she has got it! Anti kyoyagaliza embazzi …! As first leopardess she is protected from the blood and gore. As a front bench minister in a thieving government run by one family and riddled with nepotism it is open season! Shit happens. Blood spatters!
Do not say I didnt warn you! Stella is a study on the use of subversive techniques to combat the all powerful oppressant!
As I have always said, there is a method to Stellas madness. Dismiss her as a madwoman at your own peril!
If these people had any sense they would dig a little more into her academic background and find out a little bit more about exactly what it is she studied at university and did her PhD in as well as what her main research interests and activities are or have been!
And if they think they are going to use the coercive powers of the state they should read up on Putin versus a rude little Russian girl band!
And they should please call off their village idiots posing as CID! That travel ban thing was so stupid!
PS: Wabula I am now scared of Gayaza girls!
April 5, 2017 at 6:04 pm #27221WHO IS TRAILING STELLA NYANZI'S FAMILY
Stella Nyanzi says….
My three pre-teen children returned home from school this evening to find armed uniformed military policemen in our three-bedroomed flat in Kyanja. Rhoda, the house-help was kneeling on the floor of the sitting room and sniffing.
Meanwhile, another group of un-uniformed hitmen driving a white salon car of number plate UAW 103R are seriously trailing one of our family cars in which I was transported to CID headquarters for interrogation. One of my interrogators called D/ASP Bill Ndyamuhaki has been identified among them.
If anything happens to me, my children, my siblings, our households or our property, the world should know who the hit-men murdering citizens and intimidating nine-year-old children are. Shame!April 17, 2017 at 1:22 pm #27253THE FORGOTTEN OF NRA LIBERATION STRUGGLE
How Yoweri Museveni NRA occupation al – Nakba forgot those who died to bring them into power
Looking at the preamble of the 1995 Ugandan constitution u realise that Uganda’s history is characterized by a series of political upheavals and a wave of constitutionalism, this is witnessed by the promulgation and abrogation of different constitutional frame works i°e the 1962 Ugandan constitution,1966 interim constitution,1967 Ugandan constitution,1971 decree,1986 decree and the present 1995 Ugandan constitution ,abasket of political upheavals involving abuse of fundamental human rights and freedoms like right to bail,a speedy free and fair hearing,freedom of expression and association ,violations of elements of rule of law like lack of free and fair elections and its upon this that after the allegations that there was mal-practices in the 1980 elections that president yoweri museveni waged a guerilla war as he had promised this was intended to free all Ugandans from autocratic regimes that it had had before ,the liberation struggle came with the 10 point program which was overwhelmingly supported by the masses since its leader was seen to be the political messiah of this great nation uganda like any other revolutionary talk of Fidel castrol,che guevara and samora Sankara he infiltrated the NRA ideology into the masses nationals supported it with unending hopes since the political future of Uganda was wrecked, the liberation struggle arose to its apex in 1983 because a force which had started with 42 people and 26 guns had grown to batallions and had acquired strong millitary machinery and had captured some parts of the country this was solely because the masses had owed support to the struggle they provided food,acted as guides in the jungle and we recruited into the army its at that material time when my late great grandfather Mr magara Silas was a resident of wabishozwa,wakyato subcounty present day nakaseke district he headed an extended family which occupationally lived on animal keeping there is undesiputed evidence that my late grandfather was agreat ally to the NRA freesom fighters he at one time offered 126cows (kyama) to the NRA freedom fighters for meat consumption this was witnessed by most residents of that time like muyambi Steven s/o kireebe and murokore phoebe the struggle continued as my grandfather also continued offering material support to the fighters to 1984 when the war entangled area was a danger zone and war intensified he decided to seek amnesty in the near by district of nakasogola nyakitoma subcounty when in nakasongola he didn’t stop offering support to the NRA fighters until 1985 when an unprecedented massacres were reached upon our family when in nakasongola ,intelligence of Obote’s troops got information that there was “a muraro” who was collaborating with the NRA fighters the troops began spying and one bloody evening Obote troops came early and hid in the near by bushes wanting to prove the flying allegations its then that same day when NRA fighters were seen to appear at my grandfatherz home in the middle of the night for milk and fire as they always did the Obote troops confronted the bahekyera and exchanged fire the NRA fighters fled And in that confusion my late grandfather Mr magara Silas,his two sons the late ikaaga and mulumba his daughter Mrs nyalweyiso were all shot dead in cold blood the survivors of the atrocities my daddy had gone to the neighbour hood to pay a night visit (okutarama),my grandmother had gone for kuzinduka and my uncle survived @mercies of the lord after the massacres the Obote troops fled back to the near by detach ,the following morning Obote troops came back and raided a herd of 350 cows and sheep this was also witnessed by a serving army officer major Eric kamugunda and many others then who were fighters in The NRA and many other residents of the same area its from then that the financial instability arose but my daddy has worked very hard to rehabilitate life but unfortunately life has not worked out well he has tried to push us to school until of recent when my brother dropped out in f4 I have also personally hustled to make business and rise my university tuition buh it also seems my chances of continuing are little since this semesters tuition has failed am totally handicapped my daddy has tried to follow the matter to different authorities but like any other Poor illiterate Ugandan he has failed to register some success.
I therefore hereby seek ur advice of how I can follow up this mater
Yours faithfully
Nahurira Ronald
Student of law @kiu
Year2 semester 2.”April 17, 2017 at 1:26 pm #27254More than 50 homes burnt in Njeru
It’s indeed National Rage against the NRA occupation al – Nakba.
As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us remember that we are still in the Exodus from the wickedness of the NRA occupation al – Nakba. ..April 17, 2017 at 1:30 pm #27255This is a Ekibaruwa or document that you would easily ignore
But there is a violent force behind that the NRA occupation al – Nakba is not subduing.
They alert you they are coming and indeed they come.
I’m told Masaka in the villages of Villa Maria, Mpugwe, Kayunga, were badly attacked last night and fetalities are anticipated.
I haven’t Independently verified this piece.
The pattern appears interesting as the phenomenon has spread to the east.April 18, 2017 at 4:55 pm #27256Uganda SUPER COALITION OF THE FEARLESS (SCOF)
ON THIS DAY OF OUR LORD, 18-3-2017Dear Compatriots and friends of Uganda,
AWARE of the fact that the present MILITARY regime led by a one Yoweri Museveni imposed itself on the people of Uganda and considering that this regime has unilaterally abrogated all agreements previously entered into in the spirit of reconciliation with other fighting groups, political parties, religious institutions and Non Governmental Organizations;
CONVINCED that our mother land Uganda is now faced with difficulties as a result of military dictatorship that has committed heinous crimes against the people of Uganda based on pervasive corruption, nepotism, cronyism, despoliation, discrimination and tribalism etc etc,
NOTING with great concern that the national wealth has greatly been MISAPPRORIATED, SWINDLED leaving millions of Ugandans wallowing in abject poverty perinnially unable to harness their physical, material and resource potentional;
CONSCIOUS of the need to create and maintain conditions of freedom, reconciliation, rehabilitation, permanent stability and prosperity within our country for the benefit of all citizenry;
SEEING that the national army is being used arbitrarily as a sectional tribal militia group that has to owe allegiance to one dictator, one political party and one ethnic group;
MINDFUL of the fact the liberation of our country from the current corrupt military dictatorship and the badly needed establishment of a true democratic state of the people, for the people, by the people lies entirely in our hands;
REALIZING that the people of Uganda have continued to be denied the chance to freely elect their government through a free and fair election without intimidation, threats and killings;
IN PURSUIT OF our aspirations for freedom, democracy, reconciliation , rehabilitation , national unity, peace, progress and prosperity for all;
FULLY COGNIZANT of the utmost desire of the people of Uganda to be free and to live in peace and harmony within the country and also live in peace with her neighbors and the rest of the countries in the world;
FURTHER NOTING that the fundamental freedoms of persons to associate and participate with in political processes have been severely deprived by the monolithic NRM regime which imposed dictatorial rule over the people through the barrel of the gun;
NOW THEREFORE, WE the indigenous Ugandans, acting on our own behalf and on behalf of the silent majority of the people of Uganda, irrespective of ethnic origin, tribe, creed, sex, or political affiliation, have resolved to dedicate ourselves through the combined effort of the SUPER COALITION OF THE FEARLESS (SCOF), which we have formed to wage war against the despotic, corrupt and repressive military dictatorship in Uganda and in pursuance of OUR declared aims and objectives, we hereby adopt and share this political statement:
STATEMENT OF INTENTThe lives of any politician and non politicians OR haves and the have-nots alike in Uganda today are continuously driven to a conflict between conscience on the one hand and the diabolic rule of President Museveni on the other. The conflict arises for men of conscience , for men and women who think and who feel deeply for their motherland Uganda . Around the world, men and women have been wrongly sentenced for just protesting against, say, obnoxious laws or policies or for standing up against hegemonic rule like in Central African Republic, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Former Zaire, Kenya etc . In those cases and many others not mentioned, people could do no other than oppose the oppressive regimes and suffer the consequences for it. Neither can we. Neither can many Ugandans in Uganda and elsewhere.
The NRM regime as was started, the junta as was propagated and designed by the National Resistance Movement, is a regime which, in our view, is despotic, immoral, unjust, totally undemocratic and therefore intolerably unwanted.
Our consciousness dictates that we must vehemently protest against it, that we must oppose it; that we must fight it using all means at our disposal, and if need be, borrow more means to stop it. Men and women, we think and believe, are not capable of doing nothing, of saying nothing, of not reacting to injustice, buffoonery, of not protesting against oppression, deprivation and suppression, of not striving for the good society as is cherished elsewhere.
Many of us were made ‘criminals’ and got reduced to down trodden refugees because of what we believed, because of what we stood for, because of what we thought, because of our conscience. Can it be any wonder to any body that such conditions make men outlaws of society? Can it be wondered that such men having been made stateless by the self-purporting but unpopular government should be prepared to lead the life of stateless paupers as we have led for many years? Does it suprise any body that we have started killing some brutal police officers like the fallen Andy Kaweesi? In an army where nepotism and tribalism and cronism are the order of the day can we fail to get sympathisers?
It has not been easy for many of us for many years to be continuously hunted by the frightening thought that, after manipulating the changing of Article 105 (2) of the Constitution of Uganda, Museveni will rule Uganda for life! What started like a bar joke is materialising under our very noses! Does is surprise anyone that we have started killing the most brutal stooges/ cadres of such a demagoguic, evil regime? A regime that kills, murders citizens with no slightest sense of remorse? In this age and era of increased awareness about human rights and freedoms? Does it surprise anyone that after many years of intermittent provocation by the evil regime in Uganda, we have taken this ultimate route to die as we shoot back instead of being shot with tied hands, kandooya style? Does it surprise anyone that after the recent documentary shown several times on television (A BRILLIANT GENOCIDE) about the obvious involvement in the mass killing of Ugandans in Northern Uganda, we have no option left but to grab guns tufafagane?
The life of statelessness is more difficult than waging war against the hegemonic rule of Y.K.Museveni. No man in his usual senses would voluntarily choose such a life in preference to the one of normal, family, social life which exists in every civilized democracy. We, however,have been driven to this situation and we don’t regret having taken the priceless decision to wage an armed rebellion against the current despotic government in Uganda. Andy Kaweesi therefore, is not the first and shall not be the last! From today onwards every death by killing or kidnap or disappearance shall rest on the hands and shoulders of the evil regime in Uganda. Many other people will be driven in the same way by the same force of bad/tyranninc rule. History has proved time and again that no amount of hegemonic intimidation can deter men and women when their conscience is aroused, nor will it deter our people or our colleagues with whom we have suffered and continue to suffer.
We are prepared to pay the ultimate price in whichever currency, even though we know how bitter and desperate it can be to fight against a murderous regime. We have scientifically analyzed the situation and we know how gross the dead – counting and material destruction will be, nevertheless, those considerations do not digress us from the path that we have taken nor will they sway others like us. For, to all men and women in Uganda , freedom, justice and equanimity is the pinnacle of their ambitions, from which nothing can turn them aside. Our hatred for the dreadful conditions to which our people in the country are subjected is more powerful than the price we are going to pay in the course of this armed insurrection.
Over time, we studied the art of war and revolution and, whilst abroad, we underwent courses in modern military training and warfare. Our preparation therefore is thorough. Our resolve is complete and we are going to stand and fight like men and women of volour, helped by our gallant sons and daughters and friends of Uganda, and we are ready to share the hazards of war with them. The regime has asked for war, it cant get smiles! It has used live bullets, live ammunition against the innocent and unarmed civilians, not once, not twice but on numerous occasions and on all occasions our brothers and sisters have died en masse. Why? If the regime is not killing on spot, then it is burning houses; if it is not burning houses, then it is torching schools; if it is not torching schools then it will use poison! Some poison will take a life after months; some will take a life after years and some may simply take days! We have realised that the regime doesnt have a monopoly over poison neither does it have a monopoly over guns or sabotage.
The purpose of the early stage of our armed struggle shall be to wear down and weaken the regime through intermittent disruption of all state activities, psychologically paralysing all state functionaries, removing individual tyrants/stooges/collaborators (from departments, corporations, ministries, districts and villages etc) and thereby generating a huge loss of public confidence in the regime. All those involved in the day – to day ‘’nuts and bolts’’ operations of the machinery of the evil regime should expect to see a lot of suprises from us. Any one seen to be working/supporting/collaborating with that evil regime in Uganda shall be seen as an enemy of the people of Uganda, and should not look any further when called to account.
All agents of the tyranny, informers, army, at all levels have qualified themselves as targets already, since more membership to work with such tyrannic departments signifies a willingness to disregard the rights of others. The identification, tracking and elimination of such persons is an obviously primary component of our armed struggle. Please be informed. We will hit and destroy all facilities where you sit and yawn while planning to steal public money. We will just destroy them. As our match gains momentum, those involved with the evil regime will become less and less, making the further disruption of the day-to-day activies of the state more visible and costly to the state. Eventually, the regime will have fewer personnel to deploy and will succumb to the law of gravity and collapse.
We have not planned all this in a spirit of recklessness, nor because we have any love of violence. We have planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation after many years of tyranny, exploitation, and oppression and murders of the people of Uganda by the evil regime in Uganda. Those who sympathise with us (the poor and abandoned) shall be spared. Those who side with the despots have qualified themselves as targets.The youths in and out of school
• Are not getting adequate protection and guidance
• Are being neglected, abused, and underwhelmed with activity
• Have no comprehensive future to wait for, but turbulence, poverty, hopelessness, turmoil and instability of both mind and environment.
• Have low labor productivity;
• Have no access to markets;
• Have no collateral to have access to money lenders, and the elite prey on them to keep their privileged positions, fat money purses etc.
Under the circumstances, millions upon millions of Ugandan youths have gotten trapped in the sub-basements of the social structure. They are the ‘’have not people’’. They are discriminated against, sickened, handicapped; they are outcasts in their own country; materially & psychologically they are foreigners to their own country’s wealth and prosperity; they are taunted and haunted by knowledge of an abundancy which never reaches them! Massive embezzlement, endemic corruption, and senseless spending on non issues keep them locked out of the economic picture. They are ROBBED OF ANY SENSE of individual worth and dignity. They are cut off, forced to live outside the rest of society, deprived of the sense of belonging. Summarily, they ARE PERENNIAL VICTIMS of an endless thick cloud of frustration, desolation and humiliation, so thick and deep and enveloping that hope is lost in the abyss of unrelenting mindboggling perennial nothingness.
The lack of human dignity experienced by the proletariat in Uganda is a direct result of the Museveni policy of disempowering and submerging the majority of the masses in abject poverty so that he can rule for life. Fortunately, we have resolved to stop him. Enough is enough. We call on all able bodied Ugandans and friends of Uganda to stand with us shoulder to shoulder as we fight to kill and eradicate the evil regime in Uganda.
During our life time as social –political activists we have dedicated ourselves to the struggle to disentangle the Ugandan society from the manacles of enchainment through peaceful and non violent means. We have cherished the ideals of a conventionally acceptable democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. This is the ideal which we live for and which we want to achieve. But if need be, it is an ideal for which we are prepared to die.GOD BLESS US ALL AS WE SORT THIS MESS OUT.
Name/signature: Organisation:1)………………………………………………
January 20, 2020 at 5:32 pm #27803THE AMAZING ACHIEVEMENTS OF NRM IN UGANDA
1-Chogm Scandal 2007, Ugx 500billion.
2-Temangalo scandal 2008, Ugx 11billion.
3- Global Fund scandal 2008, Ugx 95.8billion.
4- ID scandal 2010, Ugx 150billion
5- Bicycle scandal 2011, Ugx 4billion
6- Microfinance and Kazibwe scandal 2011, Ugx 60billion
7- Bassajabalaba compesation scandal 2011, Ugx 169billion
8- Pension scandal 2012, Ugx 169billion.
9- Prime minister’s office 2012, Ugx 5billion
10- Jet fighter scam Ugx trillion
11- Irish Aid for northern Uganda 2012, Ugx
12- Mbale-Soroti road fraud 2015, Ugx 90billion 13- Museveni campaign money 2016, Ugx 2.4trillion
14- Presidential Handshake 2017, Ugx 6billion.
15-USD 379m to Lubowa hospital investor
16-900 billion saga of bank of Uganda
17-280 billion shillings Uganda Airlines saga and many more than thinking attacking will change our feel towards a failed governmentJanuary 13, 2021 at 5:20 pm #27921Religious Crooks pray for Dictator Yoweri Museveni
City Religious crooks praying for Dictator Yoweri Museveni on Tuesday at State House Entebbe.
City Pastors from over 10 churches in and around Kampala yesterday met and prayed with Dictator Yoweri Museveni at State House Entebbe.They also pledged their support for him in the upcoming Presidential fake elections due this Thursday.
The Religious crooks , who each commands a following of over 20,000 gullible Christians, were accompanied to the meeting by Mr. Balaam Barugahara, an NRM supporter and promoter.
Among the Religious crooks that attended the meeting were; Pr. Wilson Bugembe, Brother Ronnie Makabai, Pr. Mondo Mugisha, Pr. Bugingo Aloysius, Prophet Elvis Mbonye, Pr. Judith Ssozi, Pr. Eunice Akoth, Pr. Osinde among others.
The religious crooks pledged their full support and that of their followers for the Dictator and NRM criminal outfit in the forthcoming general elections.
They prayed for peace during and after fake elections.
Religious crooks meeting with Dictator Yoweri Museveni at State House Entebbe on Tuesday.
Dictator Yoweri Museveni promised to support the organized groups in their churches who have formed SACCOs with an aim of starting up small business to improve their house hold incomes.“We have given support to Catholic Church, like Bishop Odama’s project in Northern Uganda, so we shall support you too,” he said.
After the meeting, Dictator Yoweri Museveni and the Religious crooks prayed together for peace.
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