I would like to inform the listeners and those who follow the goings on, on the social media that:
I described the first group as “Abasiru”, “Abashema” and “Abazigu” (stupid, uninformed and enemies).
I now describe this group as Abatemu, Abanyaanda and Abazigu (criminals, opportunists and enemies). Although, I will not have time to answer much of the nonsense on the social media.
I will confront those enemies both verbally and, if necessary, physically. It says, in the Book of Matthew 7:16 that “You will know them by their fruits”. You will know the orientation of all those actors by what they say and do.
Yours, Yoweri Museveni, King of all warriors
Reactions from Ugandans:
Dear my fellow Ugandans, its our duty to make things right. Dictator Museveni has been in power for 30 years and and there is nothing big to show the country. Remember that this country belongs to us all, so we don’t have to comprise with any corrupt leader like Yower Kaguta Museveni. Time is running out let us act now in order to save our motherland from these heartless greedy politicians. For God and my Country.
”The comments by Robert Shaka in 2013 stating that he was being harrassed then by a one Capt Matsiko are very relevant!
They give you some idea just how long the state has been harrassing him culminating in him going onto NTV to protest that harrassment.
Since then, the harassment was escalated with his illegal incarceration at Kireka before a magistrates court ordered his unconditional release citing habeas corpus.
The same state has in contempt of the court come up with a frivolous charge they will be hard pressed to prove if they havent been able to prove it after two eyars of harrassment!
In any case they are going to have to prove that whatever concessions they get from him have not been obtained through duress!
At the end of the day, this is not about TVO, Justus Amanya or anyone else.
This is about the misuse of power by the state to stifle dissent and freedom of expression. this is the last barrier before they get to you in their attempt to construct a police state!
The idea that for two years that they have harrassed him they have failed to find any evidence with which to charge him yet they are still trying desperately to hold onto him even if it means breaking and manipulating the law that his mother fought to uphold ….that should make her turn in her grave!
The charge that they came up with is itself ridiculous. SHakak is an IT person. He has worked with computers for all of the time I have known him online half of it in support of Museveni’s government! Should Ugandans now require a permit to use a computer? Come to think about it these idiots may actually think that thats a good idea!
The other one of invading the privacy of his excellency is even more ridiculous as the presidency and his health are actually the voting public business! Unless they can prove that he committed a felony by obtaining and releasing his medical records, they are talking through their backsides!
Museveni himself as I have discussed elsewhere and will post evidence too, opened that pandora’s box in 2001 when he argued that the voting public had the right to know a presidential candidates health status. While as president he was not compelled under the law to accept summons and appear in court to testify and be cross examined, he presented to court and testified that he released Besigye’s purported HIV status during campaigns because it was relevant. he claimed that Besigye had a “community diagnosis” of HIV and presented an expert witness a one prof Rwomushana to back him up! It is rich for him to turn around now and claim a right to privacy.
But if he does really crave privacy he knows what to do. Step down from the presidency. He would then be a private citizen and no one will be interested in his health status.
A presidents status is grounds for impeachment on grounds of incapacity. A couple of years ago, Museveni treated us to a video that is still doing the cyber rounds suggesting that his health maybe dodgy! In another country, that video would have prompted demands for his health records!
Today its Shaka. Tomorrow it will be you! Shaka is only a trial run!
Always remember reverend Nienmoller!
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
At the end of the day, its always good to remember the French philosopher Voltaires words;
“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”
—-Drew Drew Ddembe
- Musinguzi Goodluck Social media war
- Otto Richard U really summarised it all
- Musana Stephen Good piece of info, thanks.Tell him
- Alfred Edepu Better they kill us all, we shall leave a record but, we have to say enough is enough goooo
- Silver AhimbisibweSocial media must be giving traditional media sleepless nights. Boring speeches for print & ideological pieces for WhatsApp. Oh My.
George Willy These RETARDS think that by jailing one person they can kill the call for freedom.
- Gerald Nsubuga It is unfortunate to send him to Luzira, because of his political will
- Chris Kerali The best TVO can do 4 ShAka is keep posting while Shaka is in Luzira so he can prove they r holding da wrong young man. Do Shaka Justice TVO! Thx
- George Kasibante AbsurdYesterday at 2:40am · Like · 1
- Kongani Heinrich impunity of highest order
- John Tindia Ur talking nosense people she know that uganda is for us all US the big democracy has edward sinowden in exile why bse of publish govt secrets then who is shaka and who are u the magombesYesterday at 4:05am · Like · 1
- Onyango Julius #magombe u must be insane to utter such crap,uganda has a fragile political history where by any slight mistake in the political change can degenerate this country into the very uncertain state it once faced.talk of the youth,Robert shaka and TVO can n…See MoreYesterday at 5:15am · Like · 3
- Kiggundu Frank I see Fiction here oh Uganda.
- Ssebbaale Henry @onyango julius uganda and the world cannt keep on to that fake history yet you claim to have libarated ugandans( what was the war for) ?
- Fei Wazir tumbafu
- Byamaka Musa Hooo he is going to train inmates the same tricks…Yesterday at 7:01am · Like · 1
- Onyango Julius #Ssebbale henry u sound like u are mentally incapacitated,coz your comment is a manifestation of somebody that knows nothing about the turbulent times our grannies and parents persevered,iam not ready 2 debate with a kindergatten minded somebody like u,just go to your jajja and ask her about legends.
- Hon Musoke Rodgers onyango, u are using a fake account!! u are a govt informer i knw u!!Yesterday at 7:56am · Like · 1
- Hon Musoke Rodgers onyango, u are using a fake account!! u are a govt informer i knw u!! u are trying to instil fear in people
- Gordon Kakuru This Nigger TVO was given some small money from opposition to do the work but things had turned against him..sorry
- Onyango Julius #Hon musoke iam an informer of the 37million ugandans including you.so stop your hogwash of claiming 2 know me.thank u
- Hon Musoke Rodgers Am going to expose u anytime. people will knw da truth!!! mind u people here, govt informers are many here on fb to counter attack anyone trying to tell u the truth!Yesterday at 8:43am · Like · 1
- Ssebbaale Henry @ mr. onyango julius i dont care what you think of me , am emuganda man , augandan n i dont care who you are you but the issues you talking about like the war where in buganda . and i dont think amang the skuls in luweero there is any of you father or your grandfather.
- Wamala Dennis Even if TVO is paid, all the people supporting this government are paid too.
- Onyango Julius #SSebale i don’t think u know anything about the luwero triangle
- Turyagyenda Johnson #Onyango Julius, Uganda got its independence on a silver plate , then what caused the fragile political history you are talking about?
- Sam Oloya I fear 4 Ug!!!!
- Sam Oloya @Onyango ..the chaos,death n destruction can b avoided if M7 goes peacefully NOW!!! 30 yrs …..common giv us a break..
- Onyango Julius #Turyagenda,that is a question u need to ask your grannies coz i don’t think u i have known any other president apart 4rom president M7
- Sam Oloya Mandela cud hav stayed in power 4 life n not a lot of pple wud hav questioned him after 27 yrs in jail,but being a democrat,statesman,n a man of WISDOM …he left power n said he had done is “best”…that’s why every world leader was fighting to be @ his burial…closer 2 hme Nyerere did same.Its time 4 M7 2 go peacefully or by pples power/disobebience!!
- Onyango Julius #Sam oloya aparthied can not by any slim chance be compared to guerilla warfare!give the statistics of the souls lost in south africa and i wil tell u about the 800,000lives lost during Amin’s reign only.And by the way talk about democracy in s/africa …See More
- Turyagyenda Johnson #Onyango, what caused gollira welfare commanded by m 7 that brought him to power?
- Onyango Julius Ask the people that lost their loved ones during idd Amin and Obote’s reign
- John Mukasa Not that only but to think of people losing their life or even freedom in Ugandan jails with no charges . If charges are presented, you read or hear them as being composed by a jealous individual who is scared of competition. Nrm is such a bore to a straight head person.
- Onyango Julius And the opposition in uganda are all dick wipes to any sane person
- John Mukasa Not in a true mind, we need not to generalise the opposition platform. The true opposition is facing a gun in their faces daily.
Tell us in which democratic country and humanity is practised, you would be arrested or killed because you reminded the government of stealing you money with evidence Onyango Julius? - Henry Jr Maks fake uganda,
- Ahmed Ali Gagamelian onyango we hav also lost our beloved one during this m7 regime
- Onyango Julius Whether by choice or not every1 has to die,u mean if it was another president your loved ones would have lived up2 eternity
- Onyango Julius Sam oloya the only ray of hope u have is wait 4 obote’s resurrection.my level of debate is not 4 academic retards like u who do nothing in the uk except live on unemployed benefits.bye too
- Onyango Julius Sam oloya the only ray of hope u have is wait 4 obote’s resurrection.my level of debate is not 4 academic retards like u who do nothing in the uk except live on unemployed benefits.bye too
- Batwawula Norman Mulwanyi All that happens is recorded down somewhere and every decision that one decides to make, carries consequences. People are watching and noting down, its not that everyone is a fool. 34 million people right?